Fuel Your Body, Transform Your Life

From Crohn's Disease to Nat'l Level Bodybuilder
Welcome! I help burnt out dieters, moms and dads burn fat and build muscle fast by radically restoring their metabolism and hormonal health. The western world has created so much confusion & anxiety in the field of weight loss - I’ve lived through hard, with years of trial & error, embraced and applied the knowledge of what it takes to achieve optimal wellness - so you don’t have to take the long hard road.
From growing up a very overweight child to later in my 20's becoming a sickly-skinny college girl from pain and symptoms from an autoimmune disease called Crohn’s, I know what ‘unhealthy’ feels like on both ends of the spectrum. Today, as a thriving mother, doctor, trainer, university teacher & successful bodybuilding athlete, I help people defy their perceived limitations and achieve optimal health and wellness through a holistic approach to nutrition and fitness. Whether my clients are seeking fat loss, muscle building, increased energy, or improved athletic performance, I empower them to achieve their goals and live their best lives for the long haul.
Every body is unique in gene expression, culture & backgrounds. My signature Meta-Hormonal Lean Physique Formula personalizes your nutrition, fitness, dietary supplementation & lifestyle habits that are best for your body type, lifestyle & fitness/health goals. My aim is to end the dieting mentality and show people how to have sustainable fat loss once and for all.
If you’re tired of not seeing results, feel like there’s more in you that you can become, need to crack your body’s code or in need of professional guidance to reach your goals efficiently, I'm here to tell you, there IS a way.
Book a consult & let's speak today!
In health,
Dr. Stef

55 min
From 1,447 US dollars55 min
From 1,447 US dollars55 min
$2894 paid in full55 min
$149130 min

I can't thank you enough for all your guidance and wisdom these past 3 months. I was stuck in a rut when I came to you & I honestly though I would never be where I am today. I always knew I needed to change my eating habits but I din' know how. I really didn't have much self-control. Today I know more about how my body works & how it responds to food & fitness than ever before. You were always there to answer my millions of questions. This is definitely not the end!

During my program with Stef, she was there for me every step of the way. My daughters look up to me more as they see me live a more positive way of life. I experience a sudden burst of awakening & am now loving this permanent new fit lifestyle.

Stef has completely transformed my life in every aspect. You need not search further for a more qualified personal trainer, nutrition coach & all around life coach.

From suffering to success, today I live the principles and lifestyle habits I teach. I've dedicated my life & mission to helping others live in their healthiest, strong, fit self through education, and balancing fitness, nutrition & mindfulness once & for all.

I wanted to feel better in my life & as a busy husband & dad. I feel great about the fat loss & with how strong & light I feel. Although I'm lower in weight now than I've ever been since before college, I love that I feel fit & athletic. The power of personalized nutrition is real & my plan was totally doable & I never felt like I was dieting.

Having been in the military for years, many would think that 'we know how to keep in shape'. Shortly after I was out of the military, I was in a bad motorcycle accident that left me with several bone fractures. I fell into a depression & gained weight. Stef helped me to rebuild my strength, confidence & drop fat. I was never able to do a full pull-up and Stef helped me get there with a well-thought out progression program for me. I can hear Stef's coaching when I'm working out by myself; it pushes me to my potential. I've found 'me' again & am most excited about raising my son & traveling the world with my family.
The information, including opinions & recommendations, contained in this website and by Stefanie Basso are intended for informational & educational purposes only. Please seek the advice of a physician before beginning any plan that could result in weight loss. Steffitness is not a medical organization, no medical advice or diagnoses can be provided to you through its websites or weight management content. Any product recommendation is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
We cannot and do not guarantee that you will attain a specific or particular result, and you accept the risk that results differ for each individual. The health, fitness, and nutrition success depends on each individual’s background, dedication, desire, and motivation. As with any health-related program or service, your results may vary, and will be based on many variables, including but not limited to, your individual capacity, life experience, unique health and genetic profile, starting point, expertise, and level of commitment.
TEMRS OF USE click below:
Bachelor's in Exercise Science
Master's in Sport Psychology
PhD in Holistic Nutrition
Certified Sport Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
University Adjunct Teacher, Exercise Science + Sport Nutrition
Certified LIVESTRONG Cancer Survivor Trainer
Certified BODYPUMP Instructor
Pre-Training Questionnaire